Thursday, March 24, 2011

Remember when...

Remember when you were 17-18 years old?  Anybody? 
I vaguely do.  Remember what kinds of sins tempted you, how much love you had for yourself?  I think back on that girl and am floored that God has actually brought her as far as He has!   It makes me renew my faith in sanctification and look forward to getting further and further away from who I am now ;-)

Ok - so now that you remember yourselves, will you please pray for a 17 year old girl named Alyssa, if the name crosses your mind? 
Alyssa is the stereotypical, modern teenage girl:  she looks 10 years older than she is, she knows it, she wants others to know it.  In short, she loves attention.  Also, I think she puts on a bit of an act and her countenance changes depending on who she's with.
Alyssa is the youngest child of a single mother in our church.  Her mother, Denise, has been snatched from her former life by grace and is living proof that God saves to the uttermost.  Because she was saved later in life and did not have the teaching we parents have today, she has lost control of her daughter. 
BUT - there's hope for the hopeless!
By God's grace, Alyssa faithfully attends church, whether she listens or not.  She attends most youth events that we plan.  And, for about a month now, she has been meeting with me to go through Nancy Leigh DeMoss's book "Lies Young Women Believe."  I am using the book as a jumping off point for meaningful conversations.
Even now, as I type, my eyes swell with tears.  My God, who took me through many of the same circumstances and sins of this girl (divorced parents/a father who was not much of a father), is USING me!  How wonderful to know that what Satan meant for evil, God used for good in my life! 

Please pray for continued success.   A trust has been established to where she feels comfortable opening up, but there is still a bit of an actress left, I feel.  But, then again, that may be a temptation in all of us - saved or lost.

Specifically, pray for:
-Her to feel her burden (like Christian in Pilgrim's Progress), a heavy weight knowing that she can't live up to God's standard of perfection.
-Her to have a sort of 'breakdown' about it.
-His kindness that leads to repentence. 

-Me to speak the truth boldly but perfectly seasoned with grace and love.
-To be a good listener (sometimes just saying stuff outloud to someone ignites the Holy Spirit to do His  
  work, doesn't it?)

Thanks girls!  May God be glorified and perform all His holy will.


  1. I will certainly pray. What a ministry opportunity you have with this girl-may God use you in a powerful way.

  2. Awesome to hear of God using you in this way, friend. I can think of no one better to talk with her than you. I'll definitely be praying and excited to hear how God intervenes!

    Love you!
